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Stories have always been a powerful communication tool, and that’s no different when we’re talking to little ones about about how they were created. Whether you’re an egg donor, surrogate, or intended parent, you likely will be excited and proud to tell your current and future children about your decision. However, finding a way to explain something so scientific to young minds can feel challenging. Children are full of curiosity, even at a young age. 

As a parent, you can educate your child on the subject of their birth story or the birth story of another child without it being an uncomfortable topic of conversation. One way to broach the subject, especially with younger children, is through topical books. As assisted reproduction grows in popularity, more and more authors are penning books for children about egg donation that explore the topics in an age-appropriate way. 

Here are a few books to consider, including those that can open the door to discussion with slightly older kids. 


Stories to Share

If you want to keep the conversation going with your kids, we also list helpful children's books about surrogacy in a related blog post.

Our Growing Generations team delights in helping you navigate the wonders of egg donation and surrogacy. If you're considering becoming an egg donor or surrogate or you want to build your family through surrogacy, get started by completing our online application form.

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